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PODS Angels Support Group
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"Angel Gatherings in the Park"
on the LAST Saturday of every month!


PODS Angels Gathering at CB Smith Park on the LAST Saturday in August 2001.
What a perfect day at the park under the tall shade trees with friends!

PODS Angels Support Group is for families that have a child with Down syndrome. This group was started when my little Miss Mariah was almost 3 months old in 1998. Today almost 4 1/2 years later, it is a wonderful group of families that look to this support group as the 'daily news' for things that are of interest and where topics can be discussed in an open and honest way through our ONLINE support site hosted by, which is password protected.  Families have place where they come together to share and learn about services and therapies available to all our little angels in our local area.

PODS Angels Support Groups have, "Angel Gatherings in the Park" on the LAST Saturday of every month in local parks.

 Families 'get connected' with other local families for personal help and support especially with all the maze of information and services that are available in our local areas.

PODS Angels *Online* Support Sites are set up by email invitation only. These sites are hosted by, where there are well over 1200 photographs posted of our beautiful children in the 1st original PODS Angels Online Support Site! Each child has their own photo album within the sites! If you are looking for a new way of getting connected to families in your area, please email me and let's get you connected!

The "News" that is posted to the sites, are some of the hottest issues that our families are dealing with at the moment. If it's a new law that may affect services to our children, we have a place to "let it out" and share our concerns! 

A Spanish PODS Angeles site is up and running, as is our newest Miami PODS Angels Support Group! South West Florida PODS Angels, located in Fort Myers, Florida hosted there 1st Buddy Walk the West Coast of Florida has ever had! This group has much to be proud of...they are just opening up a much needed Resource Center in Fort Myers, Florida.

PODS Angels would like to help anyone set up and start a PODS Angels support group in areas where there needs to be more family support. If your area doesn't have a support group, let us show you how to get started!  Please email PODS Angels and let us know if you are willing to be the "leader/director" in your area! You can do it!

If you or someone you know has a Special Angel with that teeny weeny little extra 21st chromosome, called Down syndrome and you would like to find a place to be able to ask questions or to be apart of a very special group of families, let us know!

We all have that same common bond of having a Special Angel with Down syndrome!

Email and request an invitation into the one of our private online support sites in your area. We would love to get to know you and your sweet little Angel!



New baby Angel Samual, only 3 1/2 weeks old. His mommie Melody looks so in love holding her precious little baby, with daddy and big sister in the background looking for fish or a turtle.


Mariah just LOVES her big brother Mark and it shows all over her face here! Mark adores his little sister, the way he plays with her and helps teach her things is wonderful to watch. They are both little stinkers most of the time though!


SODS Angels = Siblings talking, giggling, sharing cookies and just plain having fun!

5 day old Charles Anthony.


PODS Angels is a wonderful phone, email and online support group for families that have a child with Down syndrome. Siblings especially need a place where they can get to know other children that have a sister or brother with Down syndrome. Our monthly Angel Gatherings are a great time for the whole family! Look at those kids in the above picture...they are having fun!!!

Mariah Harris has been my inspiration for starting and making this group what it is today! Thank you Mariah for being who you are! Your are the "perfect healthy surprise" that mommy prayed for during the time you were being formed!

Touched by MY Angel...Mariah!



June 2001 Angel Gathering at Easterlin County Park. Lots of little babies at this Gathering! Just look for the group with all the strollers! This park has a great pond with lots of tadpoles for little boys to catch...and boy did they catch tadpoles that day!

Getting to know one another better each time we attend a Gathering is what support is all about. Also discovering what each of our local parks has to offer is another plus for attending the monthly "Angel Gatherings in the Park"!

See you next month, on the LAST Saturday...remember to bring something to share for our family style picnics. Bring your whole family, bring a friend or two, fill the car up with your children's best friends! Don't forget to bring a bag of ice!

Know someone that would like to attend our next "Angel Gathering in the Park"? Send them this page! Tell your friends and make plans to attend the next Angel Gathering!


Be sure to visit our main updated
PODS Angels website at:

Email PODS Angels for an invitation into one of its private online support sites, hosted by A direct email address link is listed below.


Mariah (2) n Mark (4)
Snyder Park
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
August 26, 2001


Please take a moment to check out a great site created by one of the fathers in my PODS Angels group...he created a great RESOURCE SITE for all of our local families here in Broward County Florida. Its called DS CLICK HERE