MnM Kids
Mark n Mariah
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Fishin Buddy's
Mark is showing his little sister how to fish..for turtles??

Glad you finally made it here! We have so many pictures to share with you. Keep stopping by to see how our new site is growing...this is all new to my mommie...Enjoy!

Mark n Mariah playin hard at work!

Mark has more energy than he knows what to do why not push this big ol heavy truck with my little baby sister on it...she'll be happy and I get to use up some of my energy! :o)

2 very sweet Mnm's!


Here they are doing what they both do very
"sweetly" together...going to gather as much candy as 2
young kiddies can find..what an adventure! yummmmm!
Mariah just turned 2 and Mark is 4 1/2 here. Oct. 2000

October 2000
Taken at daddy's photo studio downtown...

Oh they are just so good looking!!


Watching the Christmas parade 2001.
Mariah waved at everyone! Mark and everyone loved
the zillion Fire trucks with all their lights flashing!

Christmas 2004
Mariah is now 6 years old and Mark is almost 9...oh my goodnes they are growing up way to fast!!!!

About Mark n Mariah

Mark's birthday is Feb.9th, 1996 and Mariah was born during Hurricane Georges on Sept.26th, 1998.

Mark is the best big brother to his little sister Mariah, he has been teaching her all about how to catch the biggest grasshoppers and I mean locust BIG! He will spot a living creature moving at the blink of an eye and he's not afraid to capture it and put it in his "outside" creature fish tank. He seems to have forgotten all those toys I have bought him over the past 5 years. Bugs-lizards-spiders-grasshoppers-worms-snakes-rolly polly's and anything that crawls, creeps, slithers, fly's, jumps...these are the things that interest Mark the most! He is our little CREATURE MAN!

Mark loves to wiggle around and make up his own "dance moves" is in his bones, so mommie just signed him up for his first dance class this summer.

Mariah is a great little sister to Mark, because she goes along with most of the little boy stuff that he does. She loves to scare others with those big ol grasshoppers and chase after you, with the widest smile and girliest squeel to go with it...she's such a little tom boy.

Mariah is our "perfect healthy surprise" that mommie prayed and prayed for.

Mariah loves to play on the swingset and in her sandbox. If mommie isn't paying close attention...she just loves the feeling of sitting in the little kiddie pool with all her clothes on, especially when mommie just cleaned her up and is ready to go somewhere...this has never happened to anyone else?

Mariah loves playing with her "neighborhood" of different dollhouses and all her dolly's. Sitting on top of her little baby changing table and singing seems to be a favorite pastime lately. She will sing you a song and tilt her head back and really give it her all...she loves to sing in the car.